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COMING SOON: Multi-Media Show With Photos, Videos,
and Musical Stories from Around the World.
Planning a Holiday Party?

We will play a beautiful jazz and Holiday set to give your party a warm and fuzzy feel. Please consider booking us for your private event. We can play as a trio, or as a 4- or 5-piece band.

Bella Napoli Restaurant
Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024
6:00 – 9:00 pm
Buon Natale! Christmas Italian Style! Join RoseOnVibes Trio and the staff at Bella Napoli as we ring in the season with holiday jazz at Nashville’s Best Italian restaurant. We’ll play jazz standards and your favorite holiday songs jazzed up. There might even be some singalong, if the feeling moves you. Dine on authentic Napolitano pizza and homemade pasta, and some of Chef Francisco’s originals. Or just uncork a bottle of wine to enjoy with tiramisu or cannoli filled with fresh ricotta cheese. Reservations recommended. For more info on Bella Napoli, go to: https://bellanapolipizzeria.com/.

With Linda “Rose” on vibes, vocals, and hand percussion; Anthony Belfigio on keys; Doug Russo on bass. Watch out for a good time!

Nashville Airport
December 20, 2022
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
So we know the airport isn’t where you would typically go to catch some music. But in case you happen to be travelling or picking up in-coming guests, watch and listen for us. RoseOnVibes Quintet will entertain travelers to and from Nashville at the Green Beanery Stage at the Nashville Airport. Located before the security gate near the Southwest check-in, this show is open to the public. So launch your holiday travels with cool jazz and holiday favorites jazzed up. We will also play African music with a twist and there’ll be audience participation on hand percussion instruments from around the world.
With Linda “Rose” on vibes, vocals, hand percussion, and African xylophone (gyil); Fish Michie on key; Reggie Murray on horn; Todd London on drums; and Doug Russo on bass. Watch out for a good time!
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
12:30 – 1:30 pm

What better way to spend your lunch break than listening to JAZZ OBOE and VIBES…. I will be playing at the Nashville Jazz Workshop on Tuesday afternoon from 12:30 till 1:30 as the finale of a Jazz Workshop ensemble class. Join us for some some popular jazz tunes (Frankie and Johnny, Desafinado), and some lesser-known tunes (Bohemia After Dark, This I Dig). Best thing about it: There’s no admission fee; it’s free. Bring your lunch; there’s plenty of table space available.
With Linda “Rose on vibes; Roger Spencer (instructor) on keys; John Pennell on bass, Jared Hauser on oboe (yes, oboe): Bill Ganon on alto and tenor; Sam Hunt on guitar; Bill Wiggins on drum kit. Watch out for a good time!
Coming soon: RoseOnVibes Multi-Media Show that will take you traveling around the world to remote places . . . .
Sunday, October 13, 2024
6:00 – 9:00 PM, on the patio

Join RoseOnVibes Quintet for cool, mellow jazz and African-inspired music on the patio weather –permitting — at this great Italian restaurant. We’ll be playing lots of jazz standards and doing a few Latin vocals. As always, there’ll be audience participation on hand percussion instruments from around the world and dancin’ if the music moves you. Enjoy authentic Napolitano pizza and homemade pastas. You can also just uncork a bottle of wine to enjoy with homemade Italian desserts. The atmosphere is family-friendly and date-night perfect. Reservations recommended. For more info on Bella Napoli, go to: Bella Napoli Pizzeria – Edgehill Village, Nashville, TN. With Linda “Rose” on vibes, gyil (African xylophone), hand percussion, and vocals; Fish Michie on keys; Reggie Murray on horn and flute; Andrew Ledford on drum kit; and Carter Murphy on bass. Watch out for a good time!
Oct 24, 2024

12:00 NOON TO 2 PM
RoseOnVibes Quintet will perform at the Green Beanery stage at the Nashville Airport. The stage is located before security, so it’s easy access. We’ll play jazz standards with kick, along with some contemporary jazz tunes. We’ll also entertain you with African music jazzed up on the gyil (African xylophone) and invite listeners to play along on hand percussion instruments collected from my around-the-world travels. We’ve added some new tunes to our repertoire, too. So watch out for a good time!
With Linda “Rose” on vibes, vocals, and African xylophone; Bill Alexson on keys, Reggie Murray on horn; Doug Russon on bass; and Todd London on drums.
And for radio entertainment . . . . Listen any time to Linda “Rose” and the music that influences her . . . on ACME Radio Live with Greg Pogue. Go to: https://www.mixcloud.com/AcmeRadioLive/greg-pogue-linda-rose-nashville-jazz-50-20170129
You surely will be entertained and you might be mildly surprised at what you hear and learn.